This Woman's Work
“Don’t hate on black love.” “I lowered my standards only to find out that these nikka’s are all the damn same”...“Now who he think he fooling?” “There ARE good men out there." A conversation between four friends birthed the idea for “This Woman’s Work.” With no claim of expertise in the area of love we are here to give you the quick and dirty side of dating and relationships. Make no mistake, while our blog caters to the ladies the fellas are never neglected.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Buh-Bye (for now)
As much I loved posting, I must admit that I can no longer post regularly on TWW and manage everything else in my life. Belvedere admits she is not a superwoman.
I still have high hopes for TWW and similar blogs that offer an honest female perspective on dating and I have no doubt that it is possible when one devotes the necessary amount of time. Unfortunately, my life's goals consume more time than I imagined and I cannot offer TWW the amount of time it deserves.
Come back after December 3 and I'll have a treat for ya!! In the mean time, read my good friends blog here and take care of yourselves!
If no one else in the world tells you, remember Belvedere loves you!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Guest Blogger Fridays

The formula: Feed Me + Freak Me + Leave Me The Freak Leave = A Happy man
I keep up with this blog and agree with most of the subject matters posed by the contributors. Yea, some men use women for just the sex, while running game, and dangling the carrot of the casual hook situation leading to a relationship.
True. Some men don’t like to confirm relationships and prefer to keep women in the quagmire of the “Untitled Relationship.”
Yea, some men exploit the young, the old and the wayward of woman but avoid the strong, independent and successful sister that will challenge him and potentially elevate him to be who God intended him to be. No doubt.
But I find with age, some men develop and begin to want lasting relationships with women beyond the “Casual Hook Situation” or “Untitled Relationship.” Especially if the man finds “A Woman” (See my last post for a detailed description of “A Woman”).
I will admit that there are some men who despite age and upper nobility decide that they want nothing more than a “Casual Hook Situation” or “Untitled Relationship.” That’s a fact. Fact is each man has to determine for himself the type of destiny he wants. And honestly, I don’t feel remorse for a woman who is continuously burned by this type of man. Humans are designed by nature to adapt.
Now say the woman learns from her past experiences and is now able to identify a man who has moved beyond the days of “Casual Hook Ups” and “Untitled Relationships.” The man and the woman are now in a position to have something real. What does she now need to know about men to help make the relationship thrive?
From reading past entries on this blog, I started getting the impression that men are complex like Trigonometry or Physics. The fact of the matter is we are more like addition and biology. If you don’t believe me ask your Grandmother, Mother, Aunt or Grandaunt what formula she used to keep her man. I guarantee you the formula is the same across the board. (Note: If none of the women in your family have been able to keep a man, please save your time and ask a neighbor.)
Have you asked yet? I’ll give you some time. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………..
…Okay, I’ll let you in on the secret. The formula is Feed ‘Em, Freak ‘Em and Leave ‘Em the Freak Alone. That equals a happy man. Simple enough, huh?
Well, let me explain what goes wrong.
Feed ‘Em
I know what you are thinking… It’s 2010 not 1950, right? Chances are, professionally you are just as successful as your mate, if not more successful than your mate.
…And you say, “I still have to cook?”
My reply is, “Have you ever heard the old adage?
It says something like "the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
You are seeking entry into his heart right? Well, I’ll answer your question with a question. Do you have to cook?
By no means am I telling you to cook for a sorry joker who isn’t serious about a relationship. Doing special things for this guy won’t help your cause at all. It will only cause your self esteem to plummet to levels lower than the current Dow Jones. Going on.
Freak ‘Em
Again, Don’t waste your good tricks on a guy that isn’t serious about you. Save them for the guy who has demonstrated to you that he is playing for keeps. Freaking ‘Em includes sex but isn’t limited to sex. Freaking ‘Em also includes intimacy or the shoulder rub, the dandruff scratch, the twisted dreads, and the kind-reassuring words a woman can say to make a man feel like a champ.
This fails when a woman withholds affection. No man will deal with an icy woman.
Leave ‘Em the Freak Alone
Lastly but most importantly, if women become good at nothing else, be good at knowing when to leave a man alone. Know when to cut the venting short. Know when to drop a sensitive subject. Know how to chill when the game is on. Leaving a man alone also includes creating and maintaining the inviting/approachable/calm/cool/agreeable atmosphere. The type of atmosphere a man wants to be in.
When a woman nags or rides a man the relationship will never work. If you’re a nag...Please. Stop. Now.
What do you think of the 3F’s? What are some of the things a man has to do for woman to be happy in a relationship? Your comments are appreciated.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Bear with me...
I'm working on a few projects this week. Posting will resume on Wednesday. I apologize about any inconvenience.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Football did it...are YOU ready??
Football season started last night. Lets just say I got caught up in watching the game. Life happens. Playas f*ck up. You should forgive me. In the mean time, I encourage all ladies to visit, google football basics and get prepared to be ignored until the game and the post-game show are over.
For those of you who still dont know how to act when football season starts, here are a few tips:
Do not get upset with him for not paying attention to you.
Do not try to talk to him during the game unless you're naked or dressed in see thru lace.
Do not EVER under any circumstances throw your bish fits during the game.
Do not complain when he cheers or yells at the TV.
Do not question why he yells at the TV.
Do not walk in front of the TV. Save it all for the halftime show.
Do not ask him to go on dates on football nights.
If you REALLY love him, you will fix him snacks and tell him its ok to invite his friends over to watch the game.
If you do not understand the game, google what you dont know. Do not attempt to hold a conversation or ask 100 questions about why the quarterback took so long to throw the ball or why they hit each other so hard.
Between, ESPN and your man you should take this opportunity to learn about the greatest sport on earth!! If you dont have a man, learn common football terms and tune in to the game long enough to converse comfortably about the game. Sports is always a great way to break the ice.
Since I still encounter females with no basic knowledge of football (baffles me every time), Belvedere is going to help you out with a few football basics:
1. The Schedule: The 2010 NFL Schedule includes a sixteen-game National Football League regular season schedule, spread out over seventeen weeks from NFL Kickoff on the second Thursday in Septemberthrough the first Sunday in January of 2011. The season will culminate in the playing ofSuper Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, at Dallas Cowboys Stadium.
2. The Scores: There are basically five different ways to score points in football: a touchdown, a field goal, a safety, a two-point conversion, and an extra point. The most valuable scoring play in football is the touchdown, which is worth six points. Read more here. Check here for the scores from Week 1. How about those Saints??
3. The history. Wikipedia is lending a helping hand on this one. Click here.
4. The Teams: There are 32 teams in the NFL. Click here for a full list of the teams.
5. The Schedule. Check here for the 2010 schedule.
Belvedere hopes this helps!
For those of you who still dont know how to act when football season starts, here are a few tips:
Do not get upset with him for not paying attention to you.
Do not try to talk to him during the game unless you're naked or dressed in see thru lace.
Do not EVER under any circumstances throw your bish fits during the game.
Do not complain when he cheers or yells at the TV.
Do not question why he yells at the TV.
Do not walk in front of the TV. Save it all for the halftime show.
Do not ask him to go on dates on football nights.
If you REALLY love him, you will fix him snacks and tell him its ok to invite his friends over to watch the game.
If you do not understand the game, google what you dont know. Do not attempt to hold a conversation or ask 100 questions about why the quarterback took so long to throw the ball or why they hit each other so hard.
Between, ESPN and your man you should take this opportunity to learn about the greatest sport on earth!! If you dont have a man, learn common football terms and tune in to the game long enough to converse comfortably about the game. Sports is always a great way to break the ice.
Since I still encounter females with no basic knowledge of football (baffles me every time), Belvedere is going to help you out with a few football basics:
1. The Schedule: The 2010 NFL Schedule includes a sixteen-game National Football League regular season schedule, spread out over seventeen weeks from NFL Kickoff on the second Thursday in Septemberthrough the first Sunday in January of 2011. The season will culminate in the playing ofSuper Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, at Dallas Cowboys Stadium.
2. The Scores: There are basically five different ways to score points in football: a touchdown, a field goal, a safety, a two-point conversion, and an extra point. The most valuable scoring play in football is the touchdown, which is worth six points. Read more here. Check here for the scores from Week 1. How about those Saints??
3. The history. Wikipedia is lending a helping hand on this one. Click here.
4. The Teams: There are 32 teams in the NFL. Click here for a full list of the teams.
5. The Schedule. Check here for the 2010 schedule.
Belvedere hopes this helps!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Opposite day: 3 things MEN do that Women should START doing

Pull up a chair.
1. Flipping 101. Have you ever been in an argument and walked away disappointed in yourself? Have you ever asked him a question and you end up questioning yourself? Have you ever started a series of questions and before you know it he's giving you the 3rd degree? Wondering how this happened? *This* ladies and gentlemen is the result of “flipping the situation 101.” It is a talent many cheaters and "smooth operators" possess as a deflector from their f*ck ups. They turn the situation to play on your insecurities with below the belt comments that make you question your reasons for questioning them. Either way, you walk away from confrontations without answers and unable to shake your suspicions. Need an example? Belvedere is here to help.
Scene: Guys phone vibrates at 1am. Girl is laying next to him in bed and is awakened by the vibrations.
Her: Who is that calling your phone at 1am?
Him: Thats nobody baby. I didnt answer because its a nobody. You're the only somebody that matters.
*soft kisses*
Her: *Forgets about the phone calls and returns to dreamland*
If women could master flipping a situation 101, straddling and crying at the drop of a hat, we could assume our rightful place as rulers of the free world. Inception.
2. Set boundaries and stick to them. In your first convo he says he doesnt like kissing. He says he's not romantic and he doesnt celebrate Valentine's Day. Women make the mistake of thinking we can change this. We can't. The truth is that he can be Romeo and that he has celebrated Valentine's day every year but he has decided he doesnt want that type of relationship with you. Men exercise their right to have reservations about what they are willing to do. What does this mean for women? When St. Valentine sends cupid our way on February 14 our gift basket is empty. Better yet, when he doesnt plan anything special on V-Day we dare not complain. Why? When we complain, he reminds us of the convo when he told us he didnt celebrate V-Day. When her friends ask what she got she responds "we dont celebrate Valentine's Day." Women need to do the same thing. If you dont spread em on the first date, tell him that and stick to your rules. Make your boundaries clear so there is no room for discussion or persuasion. If he doesnt respond accordingly strap up your combat boots and kick his a$$ to the curb.
3. Categorize people.We all put people into categories without thinking. We look at others to determine things like: male/female; black/white/brown/gray; attractive/unattractive/Jesus hates your parents; etc. I regret to admit men are better at this than women. Although we have mastered what it means to put men in the "friend" category, we have not mastered much else. Men place women in categories to determine how they will treat us. In a perfect world all men would respect all women, but we dont live in a perfect world. We live in a world where a preacher wants to burn Korans. I digress. They characterize us as heauxxs, smuts, real women and then theres the coveted "wifey material" label. If he has decided you are nothing more than a heauxx you will be treated as such. The same goes for the other labels. If we developed more labels for men, we could save ourselves a lot more heart ache.
(Insert critical thinking questions and a witty ending)
Your thoughts? Belvedere is listening.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Forget the alcohol, blame it on FACEBOOK
Instructions: Watch the video, then read the post.
The video is not just comedic relief. For many couples "Facebook arguments" have become a real issue. While Tom from Myspace is somewhere wondering where Myspace went wrong, his former dedicated users have brought their f*ckery to Facebook. Everyone from Aunt Salt to Grandma Pepper to every wanna be model between here and Antarctica has a Facebook account. I suffer through a newsfeed clouded with TMI updates, horrific bathroom shots, amateur models and annoying party promoters. This is all while Zuckerburg and his folks over at Facebook are constantly finding loopholes in the ways they can share your personal info without your consent. I digress.
Facebook has also become a place where you can meet your potential mate. Pause. Did she just say that? Yes Belvedere said that. Belvedere meant what she said. Facebook users have decided to skirt the membership fees and pesky personality tests at and e-harmony and take full advantage of the open sharing environment that is "the book." Fortunately, the book serves the same purpose many other forms of technology provide: the ability to connect with people. Unfortunately, the book is also a form of courage juice in that it gives people the gall to do and type things to you they would not say to you if they saw you in person. Men conquer their fear of rejection with a message and women Lets not get into a discussion about the things posted during the "honesty box" era. While our grandparents never had to strategically dodge loaded questions like "why are you always writing on her wall?" or "why are you the first person to comment on his status EVERY morning?"the underlying issue is one of trust and respect.
While the internet makes it easy to use informal language and to do things we would not normally do, we must still be mindful of the consequences of what we post. If you are "in a relationship" on Facebook there is no need to allow random men/women to comment on your photos knowing your S/O can see them. Respect your mate enough to put people in line about what is appropriate to post on your profile.
There is no doubt that social networks have changed the dynamics of our relationships. Do you require your mate to put "in a relationship with" or their relationship status on Facebook? Would you follow your ex on Twitter? Would you block your ex on Facebook once you break up? Belvedere is listening.
Posted by Belvedere
Friday, September 3, 2010
Why do good girls like bad boys?
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A "ride or die chick" and her "bad boy" |
*Editor’s Note: By "bad boys” I mean the men women know we should stay away from but we dont. They are the men our mother’s warned us about. They are the men who play the dating game by their own rules and if you fail to follow them you will be sleeping with a broken heart. They are the men we know we are not meant to marry, but we fall for them anyway.
Just about every woman will fall for a bad guy at least once during her dating lifespan. He has a certain *thing* about him that makes us ignore our intuition and drop everything at a moment’s notice. We throw out our common sense, sense of self worth, and sense of direction for the chance to take a trip on the bad boy ride. Opposites attract?
As a recovering “bad boy addict,” I can personally attest to the roller coaster of dating a bad boy. There was a period in my dating life where I did not think a man had sex appeal unless he had rough edges. While I no doubt turned down some great clean cut men, if you did not resemble Damion Marley, you did not get a second look from Belvedere*. When bad boys are at their peak, they have the ability to make you feel like a queen. When bad boys drop off they can take you through twists, turns, and upside down swirls and before you realize it things have taken a turn for the worst. Why would a woman subject herself to this?
Bow to your sansei, Belvedere presents 5 reasons why good girls like bad boys:
1. She wants to taste the forbidden fruit. Women have been blamed for the problems of the world ever since Eve supposedly convinced Adam to take a bite of the forbidden fruit. Bad boys are the modern day version of forbidden fruit. Even if you did not want it before, as soon as someone tells you it is forbidden the desire for it kicks in. The more the ‘rents tell you to stay away from something, the more your desire to have it increases. Fruit tastes so much sweeter when it forbidden. Beware of fruit who will ride around with illegal substances in the car because both of you will end up arrested. You will learn what its like to rot behind bars.
2. She wants to piss off her parents. Whats more satisfying for a rebellious spirit than to see the look in her father's eyes when his blood boils? Its not out of spite. Its not to be mean. There is just *something* that makes us draw satisfaction from knowing we are getting under our parents’ skin. Even if the relationship is not that great, we cannot resist the urge to make it seem perfect just for the sake of getting the parental unit worked up.
3. She is going through a "phase." The last guy we dated was a "good" guy and he still ended up breaking our hearts. What do we do? We date the guy who looks the complete opposite of our last beau. In order to rid herself of all feelings for said ex, she turns to the man who is least like him.
4. She is tired of being a "good girl." Good girls are dry and predictable. I imagine its annoying to constantly hear "I knew you would say that" or "I knew thats what you would do." She is always the designated driver. She is always dressed conservatively. Does this sound exciting to you? Of all the titles you could assume in your circle who volunteer to be "the predictable one?" This girl dates bad boys to help her escape the mundane nature of her life. Her bad boy helps her forget her “good girl” title and gives her the chance to walk on the edge. He opens her mind to new things. This is also true for bad boys who date good girls.
5. She fears a real commitment. Be careful because we may ride this lie until the wheels fall off. Trying to build something we know wont work is often a sign we are running from something. We know what the good guys look like. They are safe. They are secure. They are predictable. They will never disrespect you. The more she dates a man that is the exact opposite of this, the longer she can run from making a commitment. Bad boys are often emotionally unavailable so commitments (or monogamy) are out of the window. We invest our time and emotions into empty relationships because we fear what might happen if we met Mr. Right. We offset this by making the bad boys our Mr. Right Now.
The question I raise today is one that has befuddled blog readers, Youtube watchers, electric sliders and strip club visitors since the debut of the first Law & Order. Perhaps you would like to offer your own answers? Why do you think "good" girls like "bad boys"? Further, why do you think “bad boys” like “good girls?” Who’s Taking Who? The floor is yours...
Posted By Belvedere
*Times have changed. Belvedere loves clean cut men, but she still enjoys a bit of an edge. Idris Elba.
*Times have changed. Belvedere loves clean cut men, but she still enjoys a bit of an edge. Idris Elba.
Monday, August 30, 2010
WOMEN are from venus, MEN are from mons venus
This one is for the fellas. More specifically, this one is for the fellas who consider themselves "straight shooters" but are still somehow misunderstood by women. Although he thinks he is being straightforward and communicating, he could be more wrong. This is a problem since every woman believes she is the best thing since free food and for most women this translates into a belief that she can change a man’s mind.
All is well in Whoville until the man believes he has been completely upfront with a woman and then SHAM WOW she hits him with the flex. Hands on your head. She flexes her power in the relationship by demanding confirmation about where the relationship is going. Its been 2 weeks and she needs answers. He is in shock that she considers what they did after 2am a relationship. He now understands why she knows all the words to “Shawt bus shawty."
All is well in Whoville until the man believes he has been completely upfront with a woman and then SHAM WOW she hits him with the flex. Hands on your head. She flexes her power in the relationship by demanding confirmation about where the relationship is going. Its been 2 weeks and she needs answers. He is in shock that she considers what they did after 2am a relationship. He now understands why she knows all the words to “Shawt bus shawty."
The first rule of any form of communication is to understand your audience. You're dealing with a type of human being who raises her hand & rushes to the dance floor when Plies asks Becky to raise her hand because he wants to know who gives good h*ad. We are the people who stuff our feet into uncomfortable sky high heels just because they look and feel sexy. We are the people who get involved in fist fights over a man. We are the people who sew Indian hair to our scalp and say things like "YES this is my hair, I paid for it didn't I?." Lets get down to business and defeat the huns. Belvedere is here to help the fellas by translating what we really hear when you tell us certain things. Call the DEA.
He says: I’m not ready for a commitment. I just wanna have a good time.
He means: I want the benefits of a relationship without the extra work it takes to maintain one. I want you to "drop your draws" & be DTF on command. I want you to respect my feelings. I want you to fel-aysh me.
She hears: I’m not ready for a commitment RIGHT NOW. I made this decision before I met you. When I see the best of you I will recognize your worth, change my mind & even reject fell-aysh from random heauxxs.
He says: I’m too busy for a relationship right now.He means: I choose not to make time for a relationship. You've got 2 minutes. Give me your special...tee.She hears: I'm busy but when I make time for you it means you're special. When we're together I want you to treasure our time together. Dont speak.
He says: I have a girlfriend but we have a kid together so I’m not happy but I’m not going to leave my kid. Even though we live together I consider myself single. Now lets go get some bbq and get busy.He means: My girl is tripping and I want you to slip and fall on my peen. The sooner you can make that happen, the sooner I can stop ignoring my girl's phonecalls. It doesnt take *this* long to get diapers at the store.She hears: I’m not happy but I’m a real man because I refuse to abandon my child.
He says: I have a girlfriend but I’m not happy. I haven’t left her yet because I don’t know how.
He means: I have a girlfriend but we had an argument last night so I know she wont drop her draws for at least another week. I’m not completely happy but I’m not going to leave. I have needs. You’re convenient. Now lets go get some bbq and get busy.
She hears: I’m not happy but I’m an honest man because I’m telling you about my girlfriend.
He says: I’m separated.
He means: I’m still married. I’m dare not get a divorce but I’m gonna take full advantage of the dog house my wife put me in. I have needs.
She hears: I’m single.
This is usually the point where I offer some advice about communicating effectively to women or how you can guarantee that you point is not lost in translation. Unfortunately, I dont have any fool proof way to escape it. Namely because I dare not underestimate the innovation of a fool. I'm not Prez Obama so my job is not to give you hope. This is both fortunate and unfortunate. So help me out.
Fellas, what are some things you have told a woman and you wondered how she got it wrong? Ladies, what are some things a man has told you and you took it the wrong way? Whats a goon to a goblin?
Posted by Belvedere
Friday, August 27, 2010
Guest Blogger Fridays!
"Girls are like apples...the best ones are at the top of the trees. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them, when, in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree..."— Pete Wentz
Its no secret that men prefer an "easy" woman; a woman they don’t have to work hard to secure.
Lets be clear about what an easy woman looks like. She is a woman who accepts "less than" treatment from a man who may or may not "wine and dine her." She is grateful that he shows her off in public and gives her all the finer things in life. Once they become "serious" she does not complain about not being allow to meet his family or attend church services with him. Furthermore, she accepts that his best friends dont even know she exists, let alone that the two are dating. She’s someone that he hooks up with to get his rocks off (if you know what I mean) but doesnt complain when he doesnt call her the next day. It’s beyond me why men pursue this type of woman and why the women refuse to step their game up and do better.
It’s sad that in 2010 there are women who will still accept less than the "Queen" treatment from a man. Although I can't fathom a reason for this, I have heard women say “A piece of a man is better than no man at all.” What does this really mean? When I think about it, the meaning has nothing to do with a man. It actually refers to a woman who allows a man to treat her like she is a piece of a woman. It could also be interpreted to mean having an unfaithful partner (everyone gets a piece) is better than having no partner at all. That’s the craziest thing I have ever heard. I would rather be alone than takebullshit nonsense from any man. Don't get me wrong, I love men. I love everything about a great and confident man but we all have to face reality. We all have to take responsibility for the state of the dating world in 2010. The same way that there are easy apples on a tree, there are men waiting to pick them. We must all raise our standards so that we can uplift each other. Think about it. If the fellas stop picking the easy apples, then the ladies who were the easy apple before will work to become a medium apple in the middle or a strong apple at the top. If ladies stop being easy apples, then the fellas will have no choice but to approach the best of the best.
I have stopped trying to figure it out; I agree with the quote. Men want something easy and they are not going to climb to the top of the tree to get the better apple, its become obvious that they would rather get something that’s easier than a blue box of Kraft mac n' cheese. I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they realize the apples at the top are worth the work and the only ones worth having. I want to hear from you.
Do you think this is a true quote? Why is it that men really settle for less? What do you think?
I'm listening.
Posted by Charlie.
Guest Blogger Fridays
Lets be clear about what an easy woman looks like. She is a woman who accepts "less than" treatment from a man who may or may not "wine and dine her." She is grateful that he shows her off in public and gives her all the finer things in life. Once they become "serious" she does not complain about not being allow to meet his family or attend church services with him. Furthermore, she accepts that his best friends dont even know she exists, let alone that the two are dating. She’s someone that he hooks up with to get his rocks off (if you know what I mean) but doesnt complain when he doesnt call her the next day. It’s beyond me why men pursue this type of woman and why the women refuse to step their game up and do better.
It’s sad that in 2010 there are women who will still accept less than the "Queen" treatment from a man. Although I can't fathom a reason for this, I have heard women say “A piece of a man is better than no man at all.” What does this really mean? When I think about it, the meaning has nothing to do with a man. It actually refers to a woman who allows a man to treat her like she is a piece of a woman. It could also be interpreted to mean having an unfaithful partner (everyone gets a piece) is better than having no partner at all. That’s the craziest thing I have ever heard. I would rather be alone than take
I have stopped trying to figure it out; I agree with the quote. Men want something easy and they are not going to climb to the top of the tree to get the better apple, its become obvious that they would rather get something that’s easier than a blue box of Kraft mac n' cheese. I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they realize the apples at the top are worth the work and the only ones worth having. I want to hear from you.
Do you think this is a true quote? Why is it that men really settle for less? What do you think?
I'm listening.
Posted by Charlie.
Guest Blogger Fridays
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Letter to my young sistas

First of all let me say that you are beautiful. I believe in you. I see a bright future ahead of you. I want nothing but the best for you. I love you.
I'm not sure what is going on with you my sista, but it is time for you to snap back to reality. It seems like my sistas have reached a state of desperation and it is leading to our devastation. All in the name of having a man.
Are you wondering why married men continue to approach you?The answer to all of the above question is BECAUSE YOU ALLOW IT! Men can only push as far as we allow ourselves to be pushed. They continue to cheat because we stay when they do. We allow them to have a "wife on the side." We allow them to disrespect us both in private and in front of our friends and family. We allow them to approach us wearing wedding bands. We allow them to break us down. We allow them to constantly verbally and physically abuse us. Why else would we allow these things to happen? Dont give me any cowsh*t about how you love him and he loves you. Save the bullsh*t about how he "completes" you. Complete yourself! What part of YOU do you think God left out when he made you?? When you were born, you were blessed with everything you need to be happy. He gave us a beautiful gift called a woman's intuition and its sad that more of us dont embrace it.
Are you wondering why all the wrong men find themselves in your bed?
Are you wondering why only a certain "type" of man try to date you?
Are you wondering why you cant get past McDonald's even on the 5th date?
Instead of focusing on making ourselves happy, this is what we do:
Prance around thinking we can change a man who doesnt want to be changed.Recognize that men treat the dating game like an African lion treats his hunt on the safari. He lies in wait until the sick & weak antelopes come to the river to drink and then he attacks full throttle. He does not go after the stronger antelopes because they require too much work. The same goes for men. They have a 6th sense to detect the weakest links. This is why they come around in flocks while you are vulnerable and fade to obscurity at your strongest moments.
Dance around thinking we can catch a man who doesnt want to be caught.
Hop around thinking we can commit to a man who doesnt give a rats tail about our well being.
Skip around believing in a man who does not believe in us.
Put him before ourselves. Drop everything we are doing when he calls at 2am and lets be real the sex game is mediocre at best. You know you fake it til you make it.
Settle because we condition our minds to believe its the best we can do.
Accept roles like "baby mama" instead of wife because we dont want to push him away by asking for a real commitment.
We know better, but we STILL dont do better. Why do we continue to deal with men who give us everything but 100%??
One of Belvedere's friends once said this (with a straight face):
"I really like John but he has a girlfriend. At least he was honest about having a girlfriend. He could have lied to me. So that makes him honest right? I know once he leaves her for me he wont cheat on me me like that"*blank stare*
Too often we seek love outside when we have not learned to love ourselves on the inside. We look in the mirror and we dont like what we see. Instead of changing ourselves & growing to make "self" feel better, we choose to change to prove to someone else we deserve them. In the end, we are still unhappy with ourselves. The first step to learn to love yourself holistically and unconditionally. Love every mole, freckle, cellulite, funny bone, and fiber of your being. Accept that you are a woman and you are emotional. Accept that you are innately nurturing.
Do NOT accept anyone into your life who does not bring you pure joy.
Do NOT compromise your morals or your health for the sake of having a man.
My observation is that many of us suffer from low self esteem, but we are not prepared to admit it. Black women are expected to be strong, confident, elegant & supportive. Society is not prepared to deal with the breakdown of America's strongest woman. As a proud black woman I understand what its like. We are expected to be strong in moments of adversity and we dare not complain. We are assumed to be the backbone for so many but we often lack a backbone for ourself. We are more likely to keep each other down & be more critical on each other than we are on our white counterparts.
I encourage all of you to uplift each other. If you see a sista struggling, give her a smile and encouraging words. Sincerely assure her "no matter what you are going through my sista, you will get through this." Black women and black men are extensions of each other. To my black men, understand that we are your sisters, your aunts, your mothers and grandmothers. You too must play a role in uplifting today's black woman.
All my love & blessings,
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