The formula: Feed Me + Freak Me + Leave Me The Freak Leave = A Happy man
I keep up with this blog and agree with most of the subject matters posed by the contributors. Yea, some men use women for just the sex, while running game, and dangling the carrot of the casual hook situation leading to a relationship.
True. Some men don’t like to confirm relationships and prefer to keep women in the quagmire of the “Untitled Relationship.”
Yea, some men exploit the young, the old and the wayward of woman but avoid the strong, independent and successful sister that will challenge him and potentially elevate him to be who God intended him to be. No doubt.
But I find with age, some men develop and begin to want lasting relationships with women beyond the “Casual Hook Situation” or “Untitled Relationship.” Especially if the man finds “A Woman” (See my last post for a detailed description of “A Woman”).
I will admit that there are some men who despite age and upper nobility decide that they want nothing more than a “Casual Hook Situation” or “Untitled Relationship.” That’s a fact. Fact is each man has to determine for himself the type of destiny he wants. And honestly, I don’t feel remorse for a woman who is continuously burned by this type of man. Humans are designed by nature to adapt.
Now say the woman learns from her past experiences and is now able to identify a man who has moved beyond the days of “Casual Hook Ups” and “Untitled Relationships.” The man and the woman are now in a position to have something real. What does she now need to know about men to help make the relationship thrive?
From reading past entries on this blog, I started getting the impression that men are complex like Trigonometry or Physics. The fact of the matter is we are more like addition and biology. If you don’t believe me ask your Grandmother, Mother, Aunt or Grandaunt what formula she used to keep her man. I guarantee you the formula is the same across the board. (Note: If none of the women in your family have been able to keep a man, please save your time and ask a neighbor.)
Have you asked yet? I’ll give you some time. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………..
…Okay, I’ll let you in on the secret. The formula is Feed ‘Em, Freak ‘Em and Leave ‘Em the Freak Alone. That equals a happy man. Simple enough, huh?
Well, let me explain what goes wrong.
Feed ‘Em
I know what you are thinking… It’s 2010 not 1950, right? Chances are, professionally you are just as successful as your mate, if not more successful than your mate.
…And you say, “I still have to cook?”
My reply is, “Have you ever heard the old adage?
It says something like "the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
You are seeking entry into his heart right? Well, I’ll answer your question with a question. Do you have to cook?
By no means am I telling you to cook for a sorry joker who isn’t serious about a relationship. Doing special things for this guy won’t help your cause at all. It will only cause your self esteem to plummet to levels lower than the current Dow Jones. Going on.
Freak ‘Em
Again, Don’t waste your good tricks on a guy that isn’t serious about you. Save them for the guy who has demonstrated to you that he is playing for keeps. Freaking ‘Em includes sex but isn’t limited to sex. Freaking ‘Em also includes intimacy or the shoulder rub, the dandruff scratch, the twisted dreads, and the kind-reassuring words a woman can say to make a man feel like a champ.
This fails when a woman withholds affection. No man will deal with an icy woman.
Leave ‘Em the Freak Alone
Lastly but most importantly, if women become good at nothing else, be good at knowing when to leave a man alone. Know when to cut the venting short. Know when to drop a sensitive subject. Know how to chill when the game is on. Leaving a man alone also includes creating and maintaining the inviting/approachable/calm/cool/agreeable atmosphere. The type of atmosphere a man wants to be in.
When a woman nags or rides a man the relationship will never work. If you’re a nag...Please. Stop. Now.
What do you think of the 3F’s? What are some of the things a man has to do for woman to be happy in a relationship? Your comments are appreciated.
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