I mean really, unless you’re under the age of 24, you’re an idiot if you’re in a half assed relationship and don’t know it, and don’t know how to get out of it. Ladies, we all know how we behave when we’re romantically interested in another person and when we want a commitment and consideration with another person, the other sex doesn’t act drastically different when they feel the same way.
[1] We don’t need to pay Steve Harvey, or anyone else to point out the obvious, that dude we’re in a half-assed relationship with a dude who is really just not that into us. I think that most women and men in these situations are painfully aware of their reality; they are just consciously ignoring it. So for all you men and women who just can’t understand why your friend stays in a half-assed relationship when they “can do so much better,” here are SIX reasons.
*** As straight shooter noted in her post, there is a possibility that a half-assed relationship can turn into the real thing, if you confront your half-assed counterpart and express your discomfort with the situation. But lets be real, it likely won’t amount to anything serious, that’s why it’s half-assed in the first place, if your partner really wanted to be with you he’d be considerate and monogamous and/or put a label on it and make it official. So this article will proceed on the assumption that anyone in a half-assed relationship knows it will end once they call their partner on their half-assed status.***
(1) Pleasure. They don’t want to give up their bedroom buddy. We all know why men would never want to give up sex on a regular basis. They make no secret of their constant desire for intercourse (oral and/or vaginal), but we women enjoy it too, so sometimes the misery experienced when a man won’t commit pales in comparison to the misery we think we’ll experience if our half-assed relationship ends and our men are no longer stimulating our lady parts on a regular basis.
(2) Loneliness. It’s pretty self explanatory. Loneliness is not a good feeling; we want to avoid feeling that feeling. A half-assed relationship is better than no relationship?
(3) Numbers. Every single woman I know, knows her number of sexual partners. Almost every woman I know wants that number to remain as low as possible. No woman wants to feel as though they’ve wasted yet another one of their numbers on a guy that ultimately will not remain in their lives, thus they try to create a full-fledged relationship out of a half-assed relationship.
(4) Energy. Whenever anyone cares about another human being they invest a lot of time and energy into maintaining that relationship. No one wants to feel as though they wasted time and energy when a situation, that they always knew wasn’t quite right, as they expected doesn’t work out.
(5) Hope. Anyone who has ever been in a half-assed relationship knows deep down that it’s wrong to hope, that things likely won’t work out, yet most people in these relationships do it anyway. We can’t help ourselves. We secretly or outwardly hope that maybe he’ll come around. That he’ll realize how great we are and he won’t want to lose us. We think to ourselves, maybe he’s just doing the same thing I am, playing it cool so he won’t come off as too pressed or needy. Shoot, thinking of the reality of months resigned to the use of only a vibrator can keep hope alive for months!
(6) Rejection. Perhaps the most motivating feeling that keeps women in half assed relationships is fear of rejection. Like I said before generally, we know our half-assed relationships won’t work out. We know if we press for the real thing we will likely get a resounding “No!” We’d rather feel the hurt that comes with being in a relationship with someone who is not fully committed than feel the hurt of knowing that the person we care about will never want something more.

Posted by Bourgeois