Monday, August 9, 2010

Ventalation Issues?!?

As we all know relationships can be tough, all the drama and heartache can drive you crazy if you don't vent to someone. The problem that many people run into is that they chose the wrong people to vent to, about their relationship issues. Others share information that they should really only share with their partner. I have been someone who shared a lot about my relationship woes, but I quickly learned that some people should not be privy to certain problems. So good people of TWW, here is a a guide to choosing that venting partner and why sharing is not always caring regarding relationships:

Rule # 1: Although you can rely on your family to have your back for any problem you face in life, this protective instinct is precisely why family members are not ideal for venting. Once you share a flaw about your partner to a family member they will hold on to that mess for life and all of a sudden they have a great dislike for your boo. Although it seems nice that they agree that you are right to feel the way you feel at the moment, once you get over and move on from this issue with your boo; your family member most likely won't.
If you see a future with your partner, that goes past boyfriend and girlfriend your gonna have to play catch up in convincing your family that your partner is the one.

Rule # 2: Don't forget that venting about the bad stuff is not the only kind of venting. When you constantly talk to our friends about how trifling your man is and how he never considers your feelings, they will get tired of listening. I know its not just me... but if a person has nothing good to say about their partner, I start to wonder why you continue with the relationship. If every other week you are having a problem within your relationship and you are blowing up my phone to vent, eventually it seems like you're not only wasting your time but you're also wasting mine. I'm just saying...maybe you should at least mix it up and comment on how happy you were that your man picked up the check this week at red lobster.

Rule # 3: When choosing a venting partner stay away from friends who never have a positive thing to say about men. Nothing ruins a perfectly normal relationship quicker than a Bitter Betty whispering in the ear of your partner. It's normal for couples to have disagreements and arguments..but trust that a small argument can be turned into the biggest issue as to why all men are the devil; as told by a bitter friend.
Case in point:
Girl in Relationship: Hey my bf left the milk out last night..ahh that drives me crazy
Friend: Wow I wouldn't put up with that mess... He doesn't respect your money. What he think you got a cow in the back yard? If he had bought that milk trust that it would be need a real man that will respect that you are a hard working, strong and independent woman.

Rule # 4: Stay away from friends who are just a little too positive about your man and not your relationship with that man. If your friend is constantly asking about the negatives about your relationship and can go on and on in conversation about your relationship problems, but has nothing to say when you express how great things are in your relationship that's a problem. A venting partner should be able to show genuine joy for you when things in your relationship are going well and complete understanding when you need to shed a tear or two.

I know I missed a few..share what you think is essential in a venting partner or why and how you chose your venting buddy.

  Posted by Straight Shooter


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