The importance of having a father/father figure in a young persons life is something that has been a topic of conversation for many years. I've always understood why it was important for young men to have a father around but I had to really sit and think why it is just as important for girls...(especially in their romantic interactions) Follow me
Protector: Although women today are growing into protector roles....there is no better feeling than knowing that your man would jump in front of traffic to save you...or hold your hand as yal run from a guy who would most likely beat the crap out of your boo.
As a girl your father shows you the strength and bravery of a man...from killing spiders, mice, and mosquito's to checking downstairs when you hear a noise in the middle of the night.Provider: Over the years I have perfected my sad faces and puppy eyes on my dad. In fact all my best techniques to just getting my way in general comes from years of practice; basically knowing when to smile or bat an eye lash.
Please believe the ways of a woman can get a man (if he cares about you) to surrender to the wants of a woman (not a power to be used lightly). Without dear old dad some women tend to forget or just don't know that they have this skill.
Love: I've always heard that a girls first love should be her dad. A father's love is one without expectations and should demonstrate (some what) how you should be treated by a man. Although your boyfriend or husband may expect some things he should love and treat you as though he loves you because of and despite yourself.
Most Important- knowing that your man is not your father...which in turn allows you to shut him down when he tries to act the part. I'm just saying...
I'm sure I have left out something...what do you think women learn from their fathers regarding relationships?

Soooo what did Montana Fishburne learn from her dad? He starred in movies like Whats Love Got to Do with it and many civil rights movies. She decided to break into Hollywood by following in Kim Kardashian's footsteps. While I understand you can't force someone on the rght path, I guess I was wrong to assume someone like Laurence Fishburne could teach his daughter not to pattern her life after a Kardashian.
ReplyDeleteOh yea, my dad taught me to be a leader and if I'm going to follow someone I should learn as much as I can but never follow blindly.
Thanks for the fyi... I gotta go Cop that Montana Fishburne jawn. Lol!
ReplyDeleteShe should have learned how to be a lady...that takes a bit of mothering and grandmothering. The thing is our choices do not necessarily dictate our up-bringing. The power of choice is the best and worse gift given to us by God...but i greatly embrace the option to do whats best for me despite social pressures...and think that's what Ms. Fishburne expressing.