Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Game Recognize Game: And you're lookin’ kinda unfamiliar right now

Defined: One person uses tricks or cons by twisting words and phrases to get what they want from another person, but the second person identifies the words as a trick or con, understands the deception and tells them they have been caught.

Ladies, why is it that men feel that because they played a little football or basketball back in high school or dabbled in intramural sports in college, that they are the only ones capable of recognizing a good game or solid athlete when they see one? Who do they think sat on the sidelines at every game, watching, cheering, eyeing the competition, and taking mental notes of the necessary changes to improve in the next game???

The best way to recognize game is to learn it. As a female, you should always keep one good guy friend on the team. This person will serve as your coach. He will teach you the game and all it’s in and outs. He’s the one person who will be honest and tell you when your game is a little off and what changes you need to make before becoming you're ready for your first real game. Your job is to observe and learn from the coach during his interaction with other players and coaches in order to become your own MVP.

Ladies, here are a few signs that your man is running game:

- When out on a date he is sending text messages the entire time
- He never answers the phone when you call; he always has to call you back
- The majority of you conversations are over text messages
- He can’t talk after a certain time
- You talk at the EXACT same time every night
- He won’t add you on Facebook or claims he doesn’t have one
- You’ve never actually met any of his friends
- You never go to his place, you always get a hotel
- He keeps his phone on vibrate
- He picks you up in a car that’s not his
- He only wants to go out on weekdays, even when he’s off on the weekends.

Gentleman, consider this the new game plan…here is a brief list of things you should avoid when attempting to run game on a seasoned female athlete.

- Drunk phone calls at 2am.
- Making googly eyes at another woman
- Leaving the house after midnight to run an errand
- Coming in 3 hours after all the clubs have closed
- Stepping out of the room to use your phone

These are just a few examples, but believe me there are so many more.

Feel free to pick up your controller and share your thoughts…Keep It Real Family.

Posted by: Southern Comfort


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