The problem is you have tried all of these in some form or another, with no avail. So then I pose the question again what’s a girl to do? I posed this question to a couple of my male friends and here is what they came up with:
1. Just go with the direct route..sit this dude down and explain that you like being his friend and the reason you have been friends for so long is because he is extremely unattractive.
2. The subtle route...when you're hanging out just mention the type of guys you are attracted to and list exactly why you are attracted to these men.
He also suggested to that you say "thats why me and you will never work..your the opposite of any person I would ever go out with."
3. The sneaky route..telling his friends to help him get a clue because clearly he is oblivious.
Ok..so after the third suggestion i had to stop and make it clear that most women love the friendships they have with these men; and would actually want it to continue.
Then came number 4: That guy already knows that his chances are slim to none, which is evidenced by you dating other guys that aren't him. If you want to keep him around you're just going to have to get use to the fact that he is attracted to you...and you are going to be hard pressed to find a heterosexual man who has a "truly" platonic female friend.
Just keep doing what you're doing he knows you don't want him....He's a man and you can't blame a man for trying and believe me he will keep trying.
So the question then becomes can you even call this guy a friend if he continues to plot on you?
Posted by Straight Shooter
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