Recently I caught an episode of the Trya Show. The show was all about cheating and one thing stuck in my mind... "Women are more understanding if a man just has sex with another woman..rather than having an emotional connection with that woman." To that I shout a resounding Bull Crap...I never really understood the "it's just sex" excuse. There is no doubt women have less of an emotion filter when it comes to sex..but for guys to use their ability to have sex and not become emotionally attached as a reason for their women to take them back is ludicrous.
I have yet to hear of any woman that ended her relationship with her man because he cheated on her emotionally...nor have I heard of any men that broke up with his boo because she is an emotional cheater. However, I have heard of men and women talking to their mates asking for more of an emotional connection. I have heard of women pleading with their men to open up more...men pleading with their baby's to stop crying and tell them what's wrong. Men and Women break up in these circumstances because their mates had intercourse outside of their relationships.
When a man say's "it's just sex" a woman hears:
I'm untrustworthy
I'm a liar
I don't care about your feelings or this relationship
I have no self-control
I'm the wrong person to build a future with
Although a man's infidelity screams everything listed above, many women choose to understand, forgive, and move on with the same man. Truthfully, I believe this phenomenon goes beyond "I love him" and hits on the very nature of a woman. As women we are nurturers, comforters, and no matter how hard we try we want to forgive these fools when they come crawling back with their "baby I'm sorry...it was just sex...you know my heart belongs to you."
That excuse just doesn't fly, because it's not just sex..it's what your decision to have sex outside the relationship signifies. So it really comes down to the non-cheating spouse to make the decision. People show you who they are and it's not always verbal...it's up to you to actively pay attention and make decisions that is to your benefit.

Posted by
Straight Shooter
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