Listening to my family and friends speak on relationships over the last couple years have given me the idea that relationships are the most complex thing on the planet. Lately, i have been talking to my friends (male and female) about some ways to ensure a relationship runs smoothly. Here are some of the ideas that were thrown around: Some more serious than others.
First, make sure that both people actually want to be in an exclusive relationship. It seems obvious but trust me this concept fails many. Remember this is the first tip for a reason.
Second, relationships are all about meeting the needs of the other person. Not necessarily all the "wants" of your partner; but what they need.
Third, keep other people out of your relationship. Some times you may need to vent but find people who support your relationship and care about your happiness to vent to.
Fourth, understand that your happiness will not always be the focus of your partner and it is ok; people are allowed to be selfish at times.
Fifth, presents (can't go wrong with presents..who doesn't like presents?)
To be continued..this seems to be a never ending conversation
what is on you list? how do you keep your relationship going?

Agreed! Relationships are extremely complex. But I think the most important thing, even before laying eyes on your mate, is that you 1st have to KNOW you're ready to engage in a committed relationship. Get it all out your system. "Sow your wild oats" if you will. Not necessarily sexually but fun, exciting things that may cause issues during a relationship. Far too often, guys/girls hop into rlnships prematurely only to find themselves wondering "what if...", "I wonder...", etc. With the 1st slip or bump in the road those temptations are fulfilled and problems arise.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying this is the only thing to keep a committed relationship strong, but it is the most important(initially). If YOU haven't made up in YOUR mind that YOU are ready then IT is doomed from the get go!
I must agree with you as well. I will add to it the concept of self-love. In the words of Ru Paul "If you can't love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?"