Friday, June 11, 2010

Tread Lightly?...Are women as emotional as men claim?

Let me be the first to say that us ladies are more emotional than our male counterparts (and we wouldn't want it any other way). With that said, lets be real...the emotional tendencies of a woman are one of the many reasons most men can't get enough. Let me clarify.. ladies have you ever been at work, school, on the bus, on the toilet (damn near anywhere) and based simply on a mental flash of your mans smile you decide to please/cook/buy him something you know he will love? What could be more emotional than this common practice among women. When it comes down to it... women are emotional beings and whether men know it or not they love us because of it.

WOMEN are EMOTIONAL beings, and more often than not our actions are based on our emotions. When men refer to women as emotional or overly emotional, they are generally referring to irrational behavior...i.e bleaching his clothing or his beloved Jordan collection. Now ladies when you get past a certain age you no longer get the pass for destroying someone else's property and still get to call yourself grown.

Although I agree that women are emotional (I'll give it to ya fellas) truth be told most people don't react with out cause. So the question then becomes; what happened to bring about this "emotional" behavior? Nothing sets a woman in a relationship off more than unreturned phone calls, mystery calls by unknown women, and of course cheating (everyone's favorite). A convo between my girlfriend and her ex went a little like this:

Girl: babe who is Nicky?
Guy: just some girl
Girl: why is she calling at 2am?
Guy: Damn..I don't know, i can't control other people..why you trippin?
Girl: What gave her the idea that it was okay call at 2 in the morning?
Guy: I don't have time for this.

I'm just saying, call a spade a spade; if you're gonna show your face don't expect peace in the relationship. It seems a woman is only overly emotional when she is calling a man out on his sketchy behavior..but when she is shopping and picks out a shirt for you, makes your favorite food, or does that "special" thing you love...just because you said something sweet the other day, that is not emotional.

Both men and women act on their emotions but it goes back to Newton's law of motion "every action has an equal and opposite reaction." In a relationship (no matter the label) your actions affect the person you're with.

I'm just saying: Act Appropriately

So what do you think are women as emotional as men claim? Sharing is caring :)

Posted by Straight Shooter


  1. I think men hide their emotions more than women do. As a woman I refuse to hide my emotions especially if I'm mad. You're going to know about it!

  2. Men definitely hide their emotions better than females.But when it is all said and done women are indeed "more emotional" than men. Men are more logical and do not wear their feelings on their sleeves like we do. Even though men do things to cause us to act "emotional" we need to handle things more logical....I am just saying!

  3. @Positivity, I do agree that men tend to hide their emotions and even though women protest that they want their men to be more open with their emotions..they probably don't want to hear most of the stuff their men have to say and would consider them whiny if they did in fact share their feelings all the time...hmm makes me wonder if that’s why men get tired of hearing why we are mad all the time..but like I said in my post (Act Appropriately and peace will be yours in the relationship)

    @ Indigo, what if logically you need to call your man out on his ridiculous behavior? nah but seriously it’s really a struggle to get to the appropriate can get all caught up in being logical and think yourself into believing him having sleep over’s with his female "best friend" is ok.

  4. Well thats a differnt story altogether...but even then when a man does something that warantee us to go balistic....we should really heed to be more logical than emotional cause sometimes he just not worth it! If i have to slash a man's tires....I definitely dont need him in my life...PEACE

  5. Men hide their emotions because women can't handle them. Women are not emotional, they are unstable

  6. @Anon..unstable?..maybe if men shared a little more of themselves rather than acting up and outside of the relationship..maybe women would have no reason to check yal on ur mess..causing ignore their actions..but think women are unstable

  7. idk...i tend to think that men are far more emotional creatures (than women) that constantly need their egos stroked in order to re-emphasize their worth. It's funny to me to see how macho guys are around their "friends" but behind closed doors with their women they're extremely sensitive and always bitching/moaning/complaining about one thing or another. i think if a man #1 chose a compatible woman that was actually on his level and #2 treated her as his true equal, this conversation would really have no purpose.

    wishful thinking, huh?

  8. @Tay, why we always gotta be acting up or out? Thats the problem there......when you assume what do you do???

    @Princess, men wouldn't need their ego stroked if these new "millenium" women would let a man be a man. Its ok to have a job, independent, etc etc, but yall cant be men. Only a man can be a man
