One of the more difficult decisions women and men face in relationships is knowing when to call it quits. Not to say it's always hard to leave a relationship, but after hitting the 1 to 2 year mark most people tend to get that "invested interest" feeling. There are people who feel like they have invested so much of their time and energy in their relationship that even the most well planned exit strategy won't make them jump ship. Here are two subtle signs that it my be time to move on:
1. Number one and most important YOUR HAPPINESS. Your happiness is yours and should be shielded and protected. Too many people take their happiness for granted, especially when it affects most everything in life. Man or Woman if your significant other is not making you happy, by continuously disregarding your needs withing the relationship; it is time to Move On. Seriously, life is too short ( I know it's cliche..but no less true) to stay with someone hoping the happiness you once shared returns. To be clear, there are instances when a conversation with your boo can clear up feelings of unhappiness within the relationship....leading us to reason number two
2. No effort to change. When you communicate to your partner about the problem and he/she agrees to try to correct the issue great! forgive and move on. However, if the problem continues and you talk and forgive a couple times and the problem continues; it's time for you to make a decision for YOU. Sometimes what you think is a problem your partner may not; and that's fine...but if your actions are hurting the person you're in a relationship there is a serious issue. If you're in that situation don't hassle your partner into changing if he/she doesn't want just maybe time for you to Move On.
Entering a relationship shouldn't be done lightly because to ensure a successful relationship, selflessness is a requirement. Generally, the feeling of love or infatuation helps with the selflessness aspect of the when a person no longer cares enough or just wants to keep a certain part of their behavior don't look down on or harass them. If your partner's behavior is not something you can accept it's just time to Move On.
Other reasons include the obvious:
Abuse (physical or emotional)
I'm just saying: Deep down (might not be that deep) you can feel when it's time....Listen.
I'm sure there are other signs..let me know
Posted by Straight Shooter
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